
Paying For My Wedding. . .

by doing side jobs. . .

No Excuses

I thought this was something that you usually only do when you have kids, then I remembered - and YOU should too! As yourself, . . . "self, when you were a kid what did you REALLY get to do when it was time to carve pumpkins?. . . "

I remember having to take out all the gross stuff. . I never got to use the knives, or light the candles, or any of the fun stuff. How about you? What do you remember about carving pumpkins?

Well, we decided to have the full experience, without kids :)

Chef Pumpkin

GeeGee had off a good part of the day, and decided to chef it up in the kitchen. . .with a pumpkin:

First, there were pumpkin seeds - YUMMY

Then there was pie! Two of them. . . .SO GOOD!

Chef Pumpkin then made dinner that night too! We contiplated Pumpkin Chili, and then voted against it!!


A SPOILED Cat. . .

Alley LOVES her new home. GeeGee has decided to spoil her, and feed her wet food. This is something I have NEVER done. Check out what she did to her food:

Now, Alley has ALWAYS had a tenancy to push her food out of her bowl if the pieces are too small. She will MEOW to no ends, if she has JUST crumbs in her bowl (even if it is FULL of crumbs) - note the pieces around her bowl. The most interesting part of this for me, is the fact she did this to her wet food too. . .She ate ALL the wet part of the food, and left most of the chunks, and even pushed some off the plate! I can't even begin to imagine where she learned this habit! Weird cat. . . .


Getting Back in The Groove

As most of you know, GeeGee and I have been on the move. . . I have been a slacker for SOOO many reasons. . . But, now. . now you get what you have all been waiting for --- GeeGee found the camera:
Old Master Bathroom ------New Master Bathroom

Old Master Bedroom ---- New Master Bedroom

Old "GeeGee/Game/Gold" Room --- New. .. .

Old Bar --- New Bar (did I mention "wet"?)

Old Dining Room ---- New!

Old living room. . .New living room
our favorite room!

After the face lift. . . . . .

Pictures not show: 1 1/2 MORE bathrooms, and 2 other bedrooms

The landscaping is AMAZING - GeeGee is going to have to start doing yard work :)


Lost. . .

My camera is lost. . . .I can't even post pictures of our new house :(