
Football Sunday? Who Says??

GeeGee and I are out of town for a conference (well, my conference). Seeing that it is Sunday, GeeGee usually watches football. . .HOWEVER - Today I got him to go shopping with me. . .Well, registering for our wedding actually. .
Needless to say, he is in a horrible mood now. . .

Football Sunday?? I say. . .!!


First Time For Everything. . .

Today marked a first time for a few things:

1. I had a colleague tell me that she "doesn't know how to type". . .

2. My cat scratched me.

3. GeeGee used a napkin while eating


"Messy" Boys

I have found that boys are just messy. GeeGee's mother is coming this weekend, and I have made a list of things that he needs to clean or help clean before their arrival. He seems to think the place is not messy at all. . .WRONG he is! My cat's hair is ALL over the place, dust bunnies can be found behind my nightstand, and the bathrooms need a once over (after this weekend with guests, last week with guests, and general use in the last 2 weeks. . they need it!).

I figure if I make him clean, eventually he will get us a housekeeper. Cross your fingers!!


Fingers To The Bone. . .

After work on Friday, I noticed this:
It's my left click finger. . . .