
Country Living Ain't THAT Bad

Today, I was gently reminded of how fortunate (yes, I said fortunate) I am to not live in Northern VA:

GeeGee and I went to get our wedding bands finalized. We decided to take the scenic route back through Georgetown. First of all, there is NO such thing as a stroll threw Georgetown. . .including a walk. . . (unless you want to dodge people and cars).

Once we got through Georgetown, we thought we were okay. Now we were triumphantly going to enjoy a scenic view of DC. . .the monuments, Capitol, ect. .. EXCEPT, there was a "National Kite Party" happening. . .

A 3 hour drive from Rockville, MD to Woodbridge, VA (maybe a total of 40 miles) only led to tension and anxiety. First of all, GeeGee drives a Ford Edge. NOT (by any stretch of the means) a easily maneuverable vehicle in Northern VA. After a plethora of cuss words, air brakes (from the passenger seat), and middle fingers, we made it back to Woodbridge in one piece. The highlight of the day? A man drove in the lane ending lane only to cut us off at the very last minute. His license plate read: BLQISME

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Hey, at least it has inspired me to make a post!?!