We had a new guest to our annual party that even brought oysters to grill (and actually grilled them himself). Needless to say, my grill duty was not nearly as long as it usually is!!
Pre-Memorial Day Pary (a.k.a.- Big DECK Party)
We had a new guest to our annual party that even brought oysters to grill (and actually grilled them himself). Needless to say, my grill duty was not nearly as long as it usually is!!
GeeGee and His Dad
Our visit went well. GeeGee's dad came in town with his wife this weekend. We went to dinner, and managed to sneak in some brief time together on Sunday (before the party). Pheeeewww! That was stressful!!
Posted by Honeychild at 2:24 PM 0 comments
New Framily: Chelsea & Lexi
Chelsea Elizabeth and Alexandra Blair (a.k.a Lexi) were born May 2oth to Holiday and Dil.
Our New FRAMILY members
Posted by Honeychild at 2:14 PM 0 comments
Surprise From Daddy Two
This weekend is a BIG weekend for me. . . .GeeGee's dad is flying in today. . . . I beleive he is coming to check things out with his future daughter-in-law.
Will I pass the Greek's test?? Wish me luck!
Posted by Honeychild at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Showing Off My BIG DECK
Hopefully most of you have recieved Red and I's invite to the Big Deck party for Sunday. If not, bring it on! Hit me up for details!! It will be a good one!!
Change. . . CONTINUED
And as if I didn't have enough on my list of POSITIVE changes, GeeGee proposed to me last night! And of course, I joyfully accepted.
To top it off, my friends through a surprise party for me last night to celebrate (I guess GeeGee knew I'd say yes). As if I wasn't surprised enough, I opened the door to greet incoming guests to find MY MOM and Stevie to be there too!
I'm not sure life could get any better. . .
Posted by Honeychild at 2:01 PM 1 comments
Hey All -
So I have been a complete slacker this month, but A LOT has been going on. I figured I just give you a run down of my events:
1. I went to Atlanta to visit Aklet: We had a lovely but short visit in the ATL
2. My sister came down to RIC for a week days (5), and we enjoyed some quality time
3. I resigned from my job (yes, it is true. I am going to try to find another job for September outside of teaching elementary children. Any suggestions??)
4. I refinanced my house
5. My roommate moved out
6. I went to the Bahamas
ALL of this in ONE MONTH'S time!! Can you blame me for not getting sucked into to the computer??