
Complain, Complain, Complain. . . .

I just went to the Outer Banks with a friend of mine, that also happens to be an educator, and experiences the same whoa is me's as I do:

"All I do all summer is pack and unpack, pack and unpack. . . ."
"It is tough being able to go out any night of the week. . .and drink as much as you want."
"In the summer it is hard to keep a regimen. It's basically just eating and drinking!"
(as we were putting on our bathing suits) "It's difficult to keep a nice figure in the summer, with all this eating and stuff. . . "

After the first couple complaints, we made it our weekend joke! "If someone could be a fly on the wall and hear us complaining they would be PISSED!"

LESSON: Summer's off are SOOO hard!! (snicker, snicker. . .)


bosslady said...

Agreed. Shut up already!!