

First of all, I will say that I have been entirely HORRIBLE at blogging since I have entered my Summer world. The day after I got out of school, I headed out to Atlanta with GeeGee. I have been excited about this trip and a little bit hesitant at the same time. . . .This trip was the start of meeting GeeGee's family:

Once we got to Atlanta, I broke GeeGee in by meeting my right arm, Aklet. He passed that test, by not turning around and running for his life as he saw the reaction of the "Aklet & Honeychild combination". He tolerated. I would even go as far as to say that he enjoyed the company of my best friend and I. We only cause just SOOOO much trouble together. . .

After several days, of exposing GeeGee to Aket, loads of KIDS, and meeting family, we managed to end "our" trip together with a nice dinner at Cafe Istanbul. It was a eye widening experience to the Turkish culture and food.

We started by getting seated on cushions around a table. As we swished in six of us, the table next to us swished in 12 (which GeeGee was soooo pleased about. . .sharing personal space with 5-14 years olds. . .smoking Hukas). It was quite the dining experience. We all enjoyed a nice meal, and finshed it off with a mixed berry smoke.

Quite tasty, if I do say so myself! Oh, and did I fail to mention the belly dancing entertainment (and no Chuk, I am not referring to YOUR interpretation. . . )

After our dinner, we returned to the Vinson household to rock it out with some Rock Band. GeeGee "represented" on the drums, and Chuk, Aklet, and I took turns singing and playing guitar and bass. Good times!!

We ended GeeGee and I's visit in the ATL together, by going to his sister's house for one last hurray. This time, we brought the Vinson family, and case of beer, and a bottle of red wine. The younger kids got along grand! It was a good thing, since I had my bottle of wine to concentrate on. . . .

At the end of the day, my Summer has had a very nice start. I have gotten to visit with my best friend, as well as spend time with GeeGee vacationing.

GeeGee has since flown back to the RVA, and I am still in HOTlanta to finish up my visit. I head to Destin in a couple of days, and can hardly wait. It is going to be a girl's trip from here on out.

Look out, dirty south!!


DECKED By The Party

So, I FINALLY had a party at my house. . .which is not really new any more (March 07'). We (my roomie and I) decided we had a reason to have a party though. .. MY NEW DECKS (Thanks Pa!)

We tried to have all the bells and whistles: Keg, Tiki Torches, Slip N' Slide, 100 + invitations, TONS of food, and the company of our good friends (well, at least those who couldn't come up with an excuse, that we wouldn't later call them out on). GeeGee didn't think it was enough to make the party FABULOUS, so he needed to up the anti. How about a little Greek Lamb roast??

SOOOO- I went with it. After GeeGee learned that is wasn't going to HANG in my laundry room overnight, he opted to place the dead lamb in my tub on Friday night. He arrived at my house carrying what looked like a small dead child in a trash bag. It stayed there overnight during the majority of the party. Many got to witness its deadness in my tub. The next day, GeeGee got out the lamb and started prepping it:

The lamb ended up on a spit over HOT charcoal for about 3 hours on Saturday. GeeGee spun it almost the ENTIRE time. My neighbor, Steve, and friend, Scott, helped while GeeGee worked on smothering the lamb with butter, lemon, and Greek seasoning.

Anyway - I was VERY pleased with the turnout, and the fact that my house is still all in one piece (NOTHING broke. . .. except me and Sarah of course!). I think I did okay for my age. . .I RAGED Friday AND Saturday AND worked on Sunday. . . .The only sad thing about the BIG bash on Friday, is I did not get any pictures (must have been because I was grilling, tending to trash, saying hello to arrivals, being intoxicated. . . ). The only few I got were of the following (there is proof in my eyes why there was not more. . .Can you say WASTED. . .??):

Jimmy, Chuck, and I . . . . This was early. . . .

Steve K. and I (Thanks for coming Steve!! You were my highlight!!

A BIG thanks to all our friends that came from near and FAR, to celebrate Summer with us!!




Summer Break is ALMOST Here. . .

As I am sitting here at work (obviously, not REALLY working. . .), ALL I can think about is Summer! The countdown has begun:

JUNE: Fly from RIC to ATL on the 18th/Fly from ATL to Florida on the 26th (returning to RIC on the 30th)

JULY: Fly from RIC to FLL on the 17th (returning on the 22nd)

AUGUST: DRIVE to Maine on the 7th ( returning on the 22nd)

So, as you can see, I have much to look forward to!


Greek Festival

So, I hit the Greek Festival this weekend. I believe I was rather smart about it, and went on Friday night to avoid the humidity during the day. . . .HOWEVER- It was still PACKED! The food line was ATROCIOUS! Fortunately, the wine line was not so bad. . .

After hitting the soulvaki line (instead of the LONG a la carte line) and the kalamari line (for GeeGee), we found a seat under a tent. GeeGee's friends from C'Ville joined us, and we managed to polish off FIVE bottles of wine (letting GeeGee stay the DD of course!) before we stumbled to the fan. . .

If you missed the Greek Festival. . SHAME ON YOU! However, I do believe GeeGee IS giving dance lessons. . .. If you are interested, you can contact me, and I will set you up with a private Greek dance lesson.. . ."step, step, kick, kick, step, step, kick, kick. . . "