
Greek Festival

So, I hit the Greek Festival this weekend. I believe I was rather smart about it, and went on Friday night to avoid the humidity during the day. . . .HOWEVER- It was still PACKED! The food line was ATROCIOUS! Fortunately, the wine line was not so bad. . .

After hitting the soulvaki line (instead of the LONG a la carte line) and the kalamari line (for GeeGee), we found a seat under a tent. GeeGee's friends from C'Ville joined us, and we managed to polish off FIVE bottles of wine (letting GeeGee stay the DD of course!) before we stumbled to the fan. . .

If you missed the Greek Festival. . SHAME ON YOU! However, I do believe GeeGee IS giving dance lessons. . .. If you are interested, you can contact me, and I will set you up with a private Greek dance lesson.. . ."step, step, kick, kick, step, step, kick, kick. . . "