

I went over to my good friend, C-Note's, last night. We played our tradition game of Cribbage. . . .And I traditionally kicked his butt (I actually skunked him!). The board we played on was a little unusual:

Maine: Under Developed? Nah. . . .

So, I was at the DD this morning in Biddeford, Maine. I got to my car, and couldn't resist! I had to take a picture. . .It made me chuckle!!

Maine, under developed. . . .Naaahhh!! Grandma is wireless!!


Cookbooks GALORE!!

So, I went to my Nana's again the other day. . . .I helped her with some cleaning she could not do on her own. I got up on a ladder and helped her clean all the dead bugs and cob webs off of the lights. Needless to say, this project only took a half-hour, so I decided to tackle another project:

I started with taking EVERYTHING off the top of them and putting them on the table. It consisted of loose recipes, recipe books, magazines, and keep sake materials from her children and grandchildren. I was there for NINE HOURS. I had a great time talking and finding cool old things. . .dating back to the early 1900's. . .. HOW COOL??? In the end, this is what her shelves looked like:


A Batty Evening

My Nana lives in an old house on the lake. I remember spending time there as a child, but haven't spent nearly enough time up there recently (like in the PAST 15 YEARS. . .).
My sister and I were spending the night there last night, and she was talking about how she has had to chase flying squirrels and bats out of the house (they get in from somewhere). So, we were going to bed, and she announces: There's a BAT in here flying around. I of course, see the bat and throw the covers over my head (good thing Lil' Sis was downstairs sleeping. . .she would have had the major FREAK out). Nana grabs her electric mosquito racket and starts swatting at the bat screaming, "I can't find my net! Where is my net!" Of course, both of us were also laughing hysterically as Nana ran around the room chasing the bat with the electric mosquito racket.

The Meaning of "Old Fart"

So, I am visiting my family in New England for the next couple of weeks.
Last night, my sister and I went to my Nana's house for dinner and to spend the night. Nana would NOT stop passing gas (and a LOT of it, if I might add).
She said, "Well now I know why they call us older people old farts! You just don't have control of it any more. . . . What can I say? I'm self-propelled. . ."



Yesterday, a group of us went to Godfrey's for brunch. I asked GeeGee to go, knowing that he had NO IDEA what he was getting into (I know, I am ROTTEN!). It ended up being a group of 14 girls that went, GeeGee making 15(the only guy!). GeeGee first realized that he was the only guy in our group when we were outside, but what he didn't realize is that it wasn't going to be OUR group of girls to harass him. . .The pictures will tell the story:

Need I say more??



I am giving myself a facial today, which made me think of this story I forgot to write about:

When I was in Florida last month, I went to GeeGee's cousin's salon (Skin-A-Peel) to get a facial. It was quite a wonderful experience, since I do not usually splurge on these kind of things. It was about 75 minutes of being pampered.

Before I went in for my appointment, I had to fill out some paperwork. One of the questions were: Are you pregnant? So, in order to mess with GeeGee's cousin, I marked yes. When I got into the room were she was going to give me a facial, she quickly called me out on my marking the survey incorrectly (forgetting that we tied one on the previous night together). We laughed about it, and carried on.

Well, when I went to go pay, the receptionist gave me a VERY reasonable discount. After we left the salon I asked the cousin about it. She said that she told them I was her brother's fiance (that is why they gave me a discount). When they asked about not seeing a ring on my finger, she told them that I did not know he was going to pop the question yet.

So, the ladies at the salon must have really felt bad for me to give me such a great discount: Knocked up AND getting asked to marry out of guilt for knocking me up! That joke backfired. . .