
A Batty Evening

My Nana lives in an old house on the lake. I remember spending time there as a child, but haven't spent nearly enough time up there recently (like in the PAST 15 YEARS. . .).
My sister and I were spending the night there last night, and she was talking about how she has had to chase flying squirrels and bats out of the house (they get in from somewhere). So, we were going to bed, and she announces: There's a BAT in here flying around. I of course, see the bat and throw the covers over my head (good thing Lil' Sis was downstairs sleeping. . .she would have had the major FREAK out). Nana grabs her electric mosquito racket and starts swatting at the bat screaming, "I can't find my net! Where is my net!" Of course, both of us were also laughing hysterically as Nana ran around the room chasing the bat with the electric mosquito racket.


Honeychild said...

So, a little FYI: Nana called me and informed me that the bat was dead. She could not find her net, so she hit it with racket her the next night when it came out. . .

bosslady said...

Dude, I laughed so hard and I think I peed a little.