

I am giving myself a facial today, which made me think of this story I forgot to write about:

When I was in Florida last month, I went to GeeGee's cousin's salon (Skin-A-Peel) to get a facial. It was quite a wonderful experience, since I do not usually splurge on these kind of things. It was about 75 minutes of being pampered.

Before I went in for my appointment, I had to fill out some paperwork. One of the questions were: Are you pregnant? So, in order to mess with GeeGee's cousin, I marked yes. When I got into the room were she was going to give me a facial, she quickly called me out on my marking the survey incorrectly (forgetting that we tied one on the previous night together). We laughed about it, and carried on.

Well, when I went to go pay, the receptionist gave me a VERY reasonable discount. After we left the salon I asked the cousin about it. She said that she told them I was her brother's fiance (that is why they gave me a discount). When they asked about not seeing a ring on my finger, she told them that I did not know he was going to pop the question yet.

So, the ladies at the salon must have really felt bad for me to give me such a great discount: Knocked up AND getting asked to marry out of guilt for knocking me up! That joke backfired. . .