
Keeping Up With the Jones'. . . .Again

So, I am housesitting again out in BFE. . .It has been quite a nice break, pretending to live like a millioniare (I could get use to this. . . .). So, I have decided to make a few personal notes of things I would like in my house, once I hit the lottery:

Ice Maker (no, not just the one IN the fridge)

Remote Light System (so when you don't know if you shut the lights off downstairs, you can check your remote. . .If that light is on, the remote will indicate it, and you can shut it off from the remote)

Built in Coffee Maker (That is right! All you have to do is add the ground coffee!)

Outdoor Kitchen (with a built in gas line to the grill)

House Music System (to turn on and control the music/speakers throughout the entire house)

Walk in Shower (with THREE shower heads, and 4 body sprayers. . . or whatever the technical term is for that!)

Built in Appliances (fridge, stove (oven x's 2), etc).

Talking washer/dryer

I think that is all I can make note of now. . . .