
Worn Out

I use to think I was an energizer bunny. .. . . going out all the time, not sleeping, taking part in adult beverages on a regular basis. Well, evidently, I think I am still in my twenties.

Only, I have a hard time keeping up with friends in their twenties.

GeeGee's cousin came in town this weekend. I wanted to show her a good time, so we went to Mama Zu's for dinner, and then hit the fan to check out some bars. NO ONE was out. So, we started our own party. . .. That lasted through to Sunday morning, ending with crashing a neighbors late night party, and inviting everyone to the hot tub.

Sunday AFTERNOON I saw and experienced the aftermath: broken glass, a hot tub with no water in it, a wrecked kitchen, empty bottles of wine, beer, and cups everywhere, and three other non-moving bodies in my living room (that barely moved until about 3:30pm that afternoon)

And I am only getting older???