

So, I was at the farmer's market today on Lakeside. I was standing in line at one of the stands, and there was this woman in front of me with an older woman. She slowly got some green beans, and decided she was going to do whatever she could to hold up the line. This is how the conversation went with the lady behind the stand:

The mean woman hands the lady behind the stand her green beans. The lady behind the stand weighs the beans.

lady behind the stand: Two dollars please.

mean woman: How much did it weigh?

(The lady behind the stand did not understand what the woman was saying because of her limited English).

mean woman (with a LOUDER tone. . .because the lady behind the counter is deaf too!?!): How much does it weigh? WEIGHT???

The mean women looks at the older woman and says,

mean woman: She doesn't even speak English! (Now looking at the lady women behind the counter) Don't come here if you can't speak English! Learn the language!

The lady behind the counter put the product back on the scale so the mean woman could see how much her items weighed.

me (while looking at the lady behind the counter): Lo siento! Mi amigo es gordo!

(In translation means: I am sorry! My friend is fat!)

mean woman (looking at me): What do you not speak English either???

me: Los siento! No entiendo! No entiendo!

The mean woman continued to harass the lady behind the counter.

mean woman: Did you farm these (pointing at the potatoes)? You're not the farmer!! Say "weigh". . . . How much is the corn?

lady behind the counter: Two for one dollar.

The mean women starts to finally walk off.

me: You know you don't have to shop here.

mean woman: You bet lady, I don't! Oh, you do speak English!??

me: Yah. I'm smart enough to speak more than one language.

I continued to make a purchase with the lady behind the counter. I practiced my "polite" Spanish words with her, after watching her be harassed by this mean woman. The funny thing about it was, that this lady behind the counter WAS more intelligent than this mean overweight lady. She could weight the products, exchange money and make change, and could communicate enough to do what she had to do. She was obviously also smart enough to come to the States and to try to make a better life for herself. Kudos to her for the effort!


bosslady said...

You kill me Steph!!