
Breaking The LAW

As you all already know, I am usually one who breaks the rules. . . This is not to be misinterpreted by, breaking the law. I worked both Saturday and Sunday this week. During the course of the weekend I was fortunate enough to wait on several UNEDUCATED beings. Below is the list of violations:

  • Patrons entered with their own food (I know the food isn't OUTSTANDING at the restaurant, but it is surely better than Hardy's) - Health Code Violation

  • Patrons entered with their own beverages ( I know times are tough, but at least you get free refills on your soft drinks, right??) - ABC Violation

  • I had TWO separate patrons believe it was okay to have their dogs sit on the patio with them (and let their dogs beg at OTHER people's food. . .) - Health Code Violation

  • A group of people drinking their beers OUTSIDE of the patio (they obviously did not think they had enough room ON the patio -the patio was empty) - ABC Violation

  • Lastly, my favorite: A man comes up to me (who's party was eating and drinking on the patio with two infants), and asked if I had Styrofoam cups? I replied by saying, "I do, but not to put your alcohol beverage in!" He suggested that it was not for that reason. OH! Did I mention that there was a table of cops in the restaurant too?- ABC Violation

On top of the violations, I had several customers wanting to get the "2 for 1" meal for themselves (so they could order FOUR eggs, TWO sides of meat, TWO sides of bread, and TWO sides of hash browns - and throw away half of it, because it is TOO much food). Not to mention, these people stereotypically do not tip accordingly. I also had a person call in a to-go order for a 2 for 1 meal - NOT HAPPENING

People. . . ???? What are you smoking??


bosslady said...

If you find out what they'er smokin' lemme know.