
Take THAT!

So, some of you may remember me writing a blog at the end of July titled, Intolerances. It was about my adventures to the farmer's market, where I stumbled upon a lady who was VERY rude to one of the ladies at the stand.
Today, I ventured to the stand (since it is WAY cheaper than buying the produce at the grocery store, and you are supporting your local farmers. . .no matter what language they speak). Anyway, as I approached the market, there was one HUGE stand with the largest tent (Washington Redskins tent) at the market. As I approached the stand, admiring the produce, I recognized the same Spanish speaking lady behind the stand. She was helping two other people of Spanish decent learn how to communicate and work the counter for customers. I caught her eye, and I could tell she recognized me! I remembered part of the conversion earlier this Summer:

The mean woman continued to harass the lady behind the counter.

mean woman: Did you farm these (pointing at the potatoes)? You're not the farmer!! Say "weigh". . . . How much is the corn?

By the looks of the stand today, it looks like my little Spanish friend did just fine this Summer. First of all, she probably WAS the farmer (grew, picked, packed, displayed and sold her produce). Second of all, she seemed to be doing just well by greeting customers with her friendly smile and ability to communicate a sale or two. I sure hope that mean woman comes back to the stand and sees how well her friend (that doesn't belong here, because she does not know the English language perfect) is doing. . . .How do you say "bite it b**ch" in Spanish??