
10K Anyone!?!

Ukrops (our local grocery) had their annual 10K Walk/Run. I, on the other hand, worked my BUTT off at work. Buddy's was SLAMMED all weekend. I think I did the 10K TWICE.

Funny story:

We have a 2 for 1 deal at Buddy's from 10-12. You should SEE the people it attracts (it is sooo fun!). Some people try to sneak in, 10 minutes before 12, sit at a dirty table, and try to order IMMEDIATELY when you go to clear off the table.
I had this one group yesterday, that came in, and did just that. The thing is, it is not my call whether you get there before noon. The computer turns off the special at 12 o'clock (technology is AWESOME). So, I gave these people their check, and the man claimed that I have made a mistake:
"Ma'am, there is a mistake on my check. You charged us for ALL of our meals, and we got the two-for-one.. . ."
"Actually sir, the special is only until 12 o'clock. The computers automatically turn off the special after 12. "
(The man then gets angry- over $10 - and gets in my face)
"We were here BEFORE noon! We sat down and ordered! I know we did!!"
"Again sir, I have no control over the timer on the computer. . . "
"WELL, I need to see a manager then!!"
"YOU are looking at her!!" (I then walked away, since he was wasting my time, and I thought I was going to PUNCH him)
Anywho, the man came in and demanded that if I was the manager, then I could take it off his check. I proceeded to tell him to just leave and I would pay for his meals. He said, "Thanks. I appreciate it!" I told him that it was no problem, and "Thanks for taking $20 out of my pocket!"
What an ASS!?!



Does anyone want this pack of gum? I don't like it. . .

I Hope You 'Get Lucky'

Last St. Patty's Day, I was up North celebrating my sister's birthday, and bringing GeeGee on his first trip up north (really, only 2 weeks after meeting him. . .crazy, I know!).
In the past, my St. Patty's days were always spent with Aklet (sniffle, sniffle). This year, I will be doing nothing, and I certainly WON'T be getting lucky (I'm sure GeeGee is happy to hear that, since he is STILL in Arizona. . . .).


Showing My Age?

I went to a Fleetwood Mac concert this week. Red and I got to spend some quality time together. We were at a bar before the show, and this man behind us asked us who was playing. Red said, "Fleetwood Mac!" He said, "I don't know who that is!" I turned around and asked him how old he was!?. . . ."33!"
I felt a little insulted, as I thought he was suggesting that he was younger than I was. Really, he was just showing his lack of intelligence. EVERYONE knows who Fleetwood Mac is, right??


I feel a change coming on, and it has nothing to do with Obama. . .

The BACK Seat

My sister celebrated her birthday today with our mother. I was talking to mom on the phone, and she was explaining how Lil' Sis had to open her birthday present in the back seat of the car today after lunch.
Mom: I felt so bad! I told her it was probably like having sex for the first time in the back seat of the car. You were trying to make it special, but it was 'in the back seat'!!!!
Luckily, my first time was not in the back seat of a car, so I had no idea what she meant!


Our Own March Madness

This week, the South was hit with a MAJOR snow storm (snicker, snicker. . . ). RIC got a WHOPPING 6-8 inches of snow. It is the first time that Richmond has gotten snow in years where it actually stuck to the ground for more than 3 hours.

Needless to say, we were out of school for THREE days, and STILL had a two hour delay on Thursday. This brought back some school day memories of living up North. I remember we had to have six to eight feet of snow to get delayed. . . .(a slight exaggeration).

I am not complaining about my short work week by any means! I thoroughly enjoyed seeing:

  • People panic over having to bring out their boots for the snow
  • Find a shovel at the store for their walkways (which of course was jacked up to $20 to buy)
  • Clear off their cars (and make sure that the "snow" didn't effect the starting of the car)
  • Drive through the unplowed roads
  • Worry about opening their doors (with ALL the snow in the way. . .trapped I say!)

I, on the other hand, enjoyed:

  • drinking
  • sleeping
  • eating
  • laughing

I hope you enjoyed your snow days if you had them!!