
Our Own March Madness

This week, the South was hit with a MAJOR snow storm (snicker, snicker. . . ). RIC got a WHOPPING 6-8 inches of snow. It is the first time that Richmond has gotten snow in years where it actually stuck to the ground for more than 3 hours.

Needless to say, we were out of school for THREE days, and STILL had a two hour delay on Thursday. This brought back some school day memories of living up North. I remember we had to have six to eight feet of snow to get delayed. . . .(a slight exaggeration).

I am not complaining about my short work week by any means! I thoroughly enjoyed seeing:

  • People panic over having to bring out their boots for the snow
  • Find a shovel at the store for their walkways (which of course was jacked up to $20 to buy)
  • Clear off their cars (and make sure that the "snow" didn't effect the starting of the car)
  • Drive through the unplowed roads
  • Worry about opening their doors (with ALL the snow in the way. . .trapped I say!)

I, on the other hand, enjoyed:

  • drinking
  • sleeping
  • eating
  • laughing

I hope you enjoyed your snow days if you had them!!


bosslady said...

I enjoyed my 'day' off. Well, Salem got a day off, I went to work. - sucky.