
10 Reasons To LMAO OR LYAO

I have been having serious trouble sleeping. Nightmares and everything!! GeeGee has been gone, and will be gone until the 19th :( He blames my irritability and nightmares on the fact that he is gone . . .

So, I got home today feeling a little tired and irritable. .to say the least. My phone rang, and I looked at the caller ID. It was this dang survey company calling for the 1k time (last night they called at 9pm after I had finally shut my eyes after several sleepless nights. .). I answered the phone and agreed to take their survey so they would stop calling me. They told me it would only take a couple of minutes. I told them they had TWO. On the third question, I failed the survey and was no longer a candidate. . .HAH! I "was not in my current job for more than 6 months". Take that (1)! I told them to take me off their list (mf's. . .!).

I carried on with my evening by starting to make some potato leek soup (very yummy might I add. . .), when I noticed my stove was no longer lit. It seemed as though my gas was out (2). . and I am not referring to my energy. After a little troubleshooting, I realized my fireplace was out, the burners were not lighting with my handy dandy lighter, and the oven was not preheating for the quiche I was about to prep for. My first thought was, GeeGee "didn't take care of the gas bill!!". . .. I called him up, and he couldn't remember the gas company we have an account with (3)!!! SOOOO - I went outside to read the propane tank in the sleet .. . .YES SLEET(4). . .and fell on my a** when I slipped down the stairs (5)!! I collected myself, and got the name of the company. Of course I have to call them in the morning to get this taken care of, OR they will charge their emergency fee(6). I called my girl, Aklet, to vent so that GeeGee didn't get to have all the fun. She suggested that I take the soup that I started to make, put it in a Tupperware as is, and save it until he gets home and serve it to him for dinner (7). . GREAT idea!! Instead, I cooled off, and decided to bring out the ole fryin' pan. . .It was in this frying pan that I continued to cook my soup (????). I put it in the blender to puree it up. . . Evidently, the soup was too hot and the blender was too full, so it spilled out ALL over the place in the kitchen AND burned my hand(8). . .yup, all over the computer. . .the Christmas cards on the counter, the floor, and ME... . (I know. . LOL. . and LOLA!!).

Anyway, this is what and how I had dinner tonight (9):

And now I am finishing that bottle of w(h)ine (10)!. . . .Now I am LMFAO!


bosslady said...

GeeGee is gonna think I'm none too funny with my comment! I'm glad you had a chance to vent and feel better. I hope your a$$ feels better too!