
First Day Dress Shopping

First of all, I will say, I got the best advice for wedding dress shopping. Some of it I have to contribute to the mags and some the girls. I went to David's Bridal (yes, I know. . .so not original). I went with the girls. No, not the entourage, but Jules and El-Bel:

(El-Bel with her not twin, checking herself out in the mirror when she saw the not so cute dresses!)

It was like going to Walmart when everyone gets their food stamps! Brides came with entourages of 5 to 7 girls. . . ALL crammed up in one dressing area. . .Advice: Don't bring 50 people to see you try on dresses - Seriously, do you need 50 pieces of advice for each dress??Jules gave some fab feedback and El-Bel just smiled and occasionally giggled! Next step - Headin' to the ALT this weekend with Red and GeeGee to see Aklet. Trunk show for Impressional Bridal at New Natalie's. Should be a blast with two other of my other gals!

We will also get to visit with GeeGee's sister and family(translation - soon to become in-laws!). Hard-core wedding planning, here I come!!

Girls Gathering

Every year, the girls have a holiday get together. This year, my dearest, bestest friend ever, Aklet, was able to join in the festivities:

Anywho, our get together was a great success! Everyone came out (well, at least everyone that counts!) to the new abode to eat, drink and be merry! Kirky volunteered to make a dinner for us all - Cornish game hens with mushroom-artichoke stuffing - DeLiCiOuS!!

We had some great fun doing our Chinese gift exchange this year. Some of our highlighted/stolen gifts exchanged included: a Barbie doll, a cute purse with some not so cute hemorrhoidal cream (for us aging folks), a robe

There was more exchanging (a.k.a. gift stealing) that in the past! Is it us getting feisty in our old age??

Needless to say, it was a great time, to be with great friends!

Love ya crazy b****es!!

Snow Storm of Dec. 09'

This winter was a harsh one for many in the South - Altanta and even parts of Florida got snow! What a tradegy for the southerns that don't have to deal with snow?!? Us, at the foot of the mountains in Virginia, got about 26 inches. Here are some pictures of the snow accumulating: Like all snow storms, it was pretty when it fell. . . but cleaning it up. .. What a MESS!!
Luckly, I saw a man with a snow plow when I was shoveling the driveway. Too bad he took out all the landscape lighting and flower boxes that were buried in the snow too! OOPS!


Newest Addition To The FRAMILY

I am very proud to announce the newest addition to my framily:
Everleigh Hayden Buchwald
was born
January 3, 2010
at 10 pm
Weighing: 6 lbs. 14 oz.
to her proud parents, Scarlett & Darrell Buchwald and proud big sister Gracyn
Congratulations Buchwald Framily!!