

As I prepare to leave my framily, I am pleasantly reminded of how lucky I am to have the friends that I do. . . .No matter how long, or how far. . . I am blessed with people in my life that will travel to any distance, for any reason to catch up. The funny thing is. . . There never really feels like there’s any catching up to do. . . We always pick up right where we left off!

I will miss you Buchwald framily! Thanks for sharing this very special week with me (even though you CLEARLY had NO choice!).

My blessing goes to: The airlines and AIR MILES


Mrs. B said...

Aww, Honeychild we love you sooo much. Though there are many miles between us, our hearts are always close. I miss you, but I know we will see each other soon and pick up right where we left off. See ya Bellysista!!