
RIC is Improving!!

FIRST of all, for all of you to know, Richmond Airport has FREE Internet access! I know, I was shocked too! So, it seemed only appropriate to write a blog after 3 v/s with a splash of cran. . .and a shot of chilled Ketal. . . .

So, I am getting ready to board to my flight to BOS to celebrate my lil' sis's 30th birthday. . . my flight is delayed, so I get to ramble. . .this might be an interesting blog. . .

I got to the airport and went through security, and then directly to the BAR. First of all, I got carded (which the Leo in me LOVES), and I sat right next to one of my bar customers. Can you say "ironic"?? We chatted for a while and talked about some Internet dating experiences. . . After he left, I proceeded to call my left arm, Aklet. We carried on for a while about life and our plans for the Summer. . And yes, I was the annoying person at the bar talking on my cell phone. . .In the middle of all my chat, I managed to get MULTIPLY texts from my mom and stepdad in Dibai. I am getting ready to spend some time at their cozy little home without there presence.

My mom, whom I got ALL the best qualities from, has texted me multiply times (yes, my mom texts) about where to go, how to get there, what is in the fridge, how to keep the sponge after washing the dishes, and so on. . . .Her husband then texts me. . .I believe he thinks I am going to try to partake in some monkey business at their house. I assured him, that I will not do that until I am married. . . .

So, on that note, my GeeGee (Greek God), will be awaiting my arrival in BOS. . unfortunately he will be waiting more than he wants. . .sorry babe. . .it may be more than "seven"! My flight is delayed. . . .However, I am looking forward to a fun filled weekend, packed full of adventure and NO SLEEP! Welcome to Honeychild's World. . . Your welcome to live in it, visit it, or live vicarously through it! It is your choice! Happy St. Patrick's Day Weekend! Aket, I am going to try to top our Savannah St. Patty's Days! Did you know that BOS was the FIRST to celebrate St. Patty's Day in 1737??? Hopefully, you will not read about me and GeeGee in the Boston Post!


DJ Speedo said...


4Fleets said...

Love it! We'll be checking out your blog on a daily basis. Love the picture on the right from Ash's wedding! Good memories! Have fun in our land this weekend. Stop by if you wish!

Lots of love, The Norfleet Clan

bosslady said...

okay!! I now understand about the Gee Gee. Don't hate that i'm such a 'tard.