
To My Mexican Children

So, I spent my Christmas this year in Mexico. My good friends are currently living there. When I was there, I spent my Christmas Eve at an orphanage, Refugio Infantil . I was instantly touched by the beautiful and grateful children. . .that had nothing compared to the life I live.

To make a long story short, my friend, and AMAZING photographer, is doing a fundraiser for the orphanage, as well as for a local animal shelter, Centro De Acopio . Please visit her blog to learn more about her mission to raise money for the organizations. In return for your donation, you get a photograph of your choice! I know that seeing her photographs will touch your heart, just as these children did for me on Christmas Eve. Together, we can ALL make a difference! DON'T forget to visit: http://www.innatephoto.com/blog/


Micheline said...

Thanks so much for Innate Photography! Kristen's blog is outstanding and my plan is to donate for a few of the amazing photos of the orphanage children.