

Okay. . .So I guess there could be worse things to in life to be addicted to right??

So, I came back from ORD and got a fabulous gift in the mail from Mr. & Mrs. B! The whole time I was in Chicago, I hit the gym with Mr. B and used Mrs. B's "guide".

Anywho. . . . They sent me a this guide to that may help me with my bet with GeeGee (Babe. . .you're gonna loose). I think that I am addicted! I wear this thing to mow the lawn, bust up concrete, walk around the neighborhood, play racquetball. . . .. My teammate for racquetball has started making fun of me.

BUT- "I've burned 447 calories!. . . .Even though you have 'schooled' me."

Anyway, like I said, I could have worse addictions!


bosslady said...

What the heck is it called? I want one too!

Mrs. B said...

I knew you would get addicted! I live and die by how many calories I burn. I would have worn it during Gracyn's delvery if they would have let me. I knew I earned that pizza Mr. B brought me.