
Salsa - "The Saucey Kind"

So, last night I went out with some friends to try Salsa dancing. My roommate has been talking about it for several weeks, and convinced me to come and bring Red. On Tuesday nights, Emillo’s on Broad Street, has a free Salsa dance lesson from 8:30 to 9. At 9 o’clock, all the women are fed to the wolves. You can not even sit down for 5 minutes without someone coming up to you and offering you their hand to dance. One of the best parts is that the men that dance with you are:
1) Not trying to hit on you or get in your pants
2) Not trying to cop a feel
3) Are not trying to make conversation with you (of course, my partners probably caught on to the fact that if they talked to me, I would lose my count and step on their toes AGAIN
4) Want to try to teach you to dance
5) Are patient
6) Will accommodate their dancing to your dancing experience
7) Will ask you to dance again EVEN if you SUCK (I am of course only speaking through experience)
8) AND believe that the woman NEVER messes up a step. If there is a beat missed, it is because the MAN was not a good leader/teacher (I love this one!!) It is actually QUITE intimidating to watch those who can REALLY dance, dance. . . MOST of them would ROCK out Dancing With the Stars.

After about my fourth partner, and 40 toe crushings, I’ve decided this is quite possibly something I might be interested in pursuing. HELL! I’m not good at it, so there is definitely room for improvement! It just so happens that the DJ last night (whom is also the “free instructor”) has a studio down the road, and does Salsa and Cha Cha lessons on Mondays and Wednesdays at 8:30. The cost is $10 a lesson, OR $100 for 10 weeks (so, $5 a lesson if you go twice a week). If anyone is interested, please let me know, and I would be MORE than happy for you to join me in this toe crushing event.

GeeGee? How about Salsa and THAN Swing???


bosslady said...

I've always wanted to take salsa lessons! You'll have to show me some steps lil' momma when you're down here!