
Keeping Up With the Jones'. . . .Again

So, I am housesitting again out in BFE. . .It has been quite a nice break, pretending to live like a millioniare (I could get use to this. . . .). So, I have decided to make a few personal notes of things I would like in my house, once I hit the lottery:

Ice Maker (no, not just the one IN the fridge)

Remote Light System (so when you don't know if you shut the lights off downstairs, you can check your remote. . .If that light is on, the remote will indicate it, and you can shut it off from the remote)

Built in Coffee Maker (That is right! All you have to do is add the ground coffee!)

Outdoor Kitchen (with a built in gas line to the grill)

House Music System (to turn on and control the music/speakers throughout the entire house)

Walk in Shower (with THREE shower heads, and 4 body sprayers. . . or whatever the technical term is for that!)

Built in Appliances (fridge, stove (oven x's 2), etc).

Talking washer/dryer

I think that is all I can make note of now. . . .



So, I was at the farmer's market today on Lakeside. I was standing in line at one of the stands, and there was this woman in front of me with an older woman. She slowly got some green beans, and decided she was going to do whatever she could to hold up the line. This is how the conversation went with the lady behind the stand:

The mean woman hands the lady behind the stand her green beans. The lady behind the stand weighs the beans.

lady behind the stand: Two dollars please.

mean woman: How much did it weigh?

(The lady behind the stand did not understand what the woman was saying because of her limited English).

mean woman (with a LOUDER tone. . .because the lady behind the counter is deaf too!?!): How much does it weigh? WEIGHT???

The mean women looks at the older woman and says,

mean woman: She doesn't even speak English! (Now looking at the lady women behind the counter) Don't come here if you can't speak English! Learn the language!

The lady behind the counter put the product back on the scale so the mean woman could see how much her items weighed.

me (while looking at the lady behind the counter): Lo siento! Mi amigo es gordo!

(In translation means: I am sorry! My friend is fat!)

mean woman (looking at me): What do you not speak English either???

me: Los siento! No entiendo! No entiendo!

The mean woman continued to harass the lady behind the counter.

mean woman: Did you farm these (pointing at the potatoes)? You're not the farmer!! Say "weigh". . . . How much is the corn?

lady behind the counter: Two for one dollar.

The mean women starts to finally walk off.

me: You know you don't have to shop here.

mean woman: You bet lady, I don't! Oh, you do speak English!??

me: Yah. I'm smart enough to speak more than one language.

I continued to make a purchase with the lady behind the counter. I practiced my "polite" Spanish words with her, after watching her be harassed by this mean woman. The funny thing about it was, that this lady behind the counter WAS more intelligent than this mean overweight lady. She could weight the products, exchange money and make change, and could communicate enough to do what she had to do. She was obviously also smart enough to come to the States and to try to make a better life for herself. Kudos to her for the effort!

Did I Win?

So, the other night, I was actually a DD (I know that is hard to believe) for GeeGee's birthday. He had a friend in town, and we were with his cousin as well.
As the night was ending (and intoxication was taking its win on the others), there were a few miscommunications.

That night, GeeGee tried to pick a fight with me about the miscommunications. Surprisely, I reacted in a calm tone (or really, a "I am not willing to discuss this" tone). Fortunely, it worked, and there was no heated discussion. The next day, I asked GeeGee about it. He admitted to trying to pick a fight with me.

Does that mean I won?

Family and MORE Family

So, I just got back from Florida with GeeGee. We also managed to drive to West Palm Beach to visit my cousins, The Hera's:

The majority of our time was spent with his family for his dad's and HIS birthday (he is getting closer to his 30's. . .which makes me feel better about already being in my 30's). It was very beneficial since they were MORE than willing to give me splenty of dirt on him (something my family will probably not do. . . .right, family??). The good thing is, I still like him just as much. . .


Meet and Greek

So, I meet the parents this weekend. . . Wish me luck!!



Is it a rule that everything needs to take 3 x's as long as you think it does to get accomplished????


Framily Birth AnnouncementS

That is right!! AnnounementS!

Announcing Twins To the Framily

Born: July 9th

Ellie & Aden Zeke

First was Ellie!

Arrival Time: 7:42 am

Weight: 6 lbs. 8 oz.

Length: 18 1/2 inches

Then came Zeke!

Arrival Time: 7:43 am

Weight: 7 lbs. 9 oz.

Length: 20 inches

Andrew and Jules are proud parents of TWO new additions to their family! I have been by to see the Johnson family. Mom is still recuperating, but we are hoping the family can all return home this weekend!


Worn Out

I use to think I was an energizer bunny. .. . . going out all the time, not sleeping, taking part in adult beverages on a regular basis. Well, evidently, I think I am still in my twenties.

Only, I have a hard time keeping up with friends in their twenties.

GeeGee's cousin came in town this weekend. I wanted to show her a good time, so we went to Mama Zu's for dinner, and then hit the fan to check out some bars. NO ONE was out. So, we started our own party. . .. That lasted through to Sunday morning, ending with crashing a neighbors late night party, and inviting everyone to the hot tub.

Sunday AFTERNOON I saw and experienced the aftermath: broken glass, a hot tub with no water in it, a wrecked kitchen, empty bottles of wine, beer, and cups everywhere, and three other non-moving bodies in my living room (that barely moved until about 3:30pm that afternoon)

And I am only getting older???



So, I recently went on a trip to Destin with Aklet and some of her girl friends. Aklet and I met the other two girls down at the beach (we took a plane to Pensicola - Thanks Dr. Dave - and than borrowed a car to cruise on down to Destin).

We had a GRAND time (notice there will be NO pictures for this post)! Needless to say, I did not get much sleep. So, we were out at one of the bars one night, and on TWO separate occasions, I was approached by TWO separate guys telling me that I was "unapproachable". WTF is that suppose to mean????