
Playing the Game of Life

Being up in Rangeley, and 20 below weather, the family decided to stay indoors and play a game of Life. The game of Life is FULL of choices. One of the choices you DON'T HAVE , is getting married. So, Dad gets his wife and says "Put the bitch in the back!"


So, GeeGee and I spent the holidays up north with my family this year. I brought a small present up here for him to open. Since he is very competitive, I thought that it would be appropriate to get him a game. I cleverly chose the game of Life, thinking that it would have some symbolic value to it. This is what it looked like after he put it together:

It's a BIG board right?? Now let's take a closer look:

Do you see what GeeGee thought about the symbolism of the game of Life????

YUP! Now everyone can see. . .He tried to burn bridges.

NOTE: GeeGee was putting the game of Life together, and placed the game board pieces OVER a candle and set them on fire. The game of Life with GeeGee will never be the same. . .

Traveling Pet PEEVES

Like many people, I traveled for the holidays. I don't know if it was just because I have been sick, or what. . . .but, man. . ! I REALLY hate stupid people. Here is a list of some of the TOP ten things that made me feel like HAPPY GILMORE:

10. People letting their children run WILD around the airport - I watched a woman let her child run AROUND everyone in line at check-in, over to the counters, back through the lines, and out the automatic doors FEET away from the street - NICE

9. Not having your ID out and ready

8. Having to be reminded of the rules of security. . .Never mind that the airports are at HIGH alert (shoes off, computers out, no more than 2 oz. of liquids IN Ziploc bags. . . .COME ON people. . You DO know the drill!!)

7. Trying to redress yourself after you've gone through security at the end of the conveyor belt. . .so everyone can trip over you as they grab their things from the bins

6. RUSHING to load the plane. . .just in case your seat that you paid A LOT of money for is no longer available

5. Talking while the flight attendant is giving their speech (Come on PEOPLE! You know they don't REALLY enjoy doing it, they just have to! Be POLITE!)

4. Not turning off your cell phones, electronic devices, putting up your seat and tables for take off. REALLY people. . .Do you need to delay the take off for that?!?

3. Landing

2. People rushing off the plane to PASS you when you have been seated in front of them - If your in such a rush, why don't you choose your seats BEFORE you get on the plane??

1. Waiting for your bags at the conveyor belt, giving ample room for people to step in front of you IF they see their bags, and for STUPID people to step in front of you (yes, in that 2 foot personal space - and believe me, under my breath I say loud enough for them to hear - " Excuse you when I see my bag and WIPE you out with it as I take you out when I grab my bag off the conveyor belt)



So, Red and I were wondering what "Above the fruited plane" means? Red says it has nothing to do with Pepper flying on a triple 7???


The Dentist

First of all, I LOVE GOING TO THE DENTIST!! I love the feeling of having my teeth ALL squeaky clean. . . .
The one thing about the dentist I DON'T like, is the way they always try to talk to you and ask you questions when they have instruments in your mouth. You can't ANSWER them! WTF??



Have you heard of this??? It is TOO funny not to share. . .I guess a spin off of Wikipedia:

Suggestions: Search for Christmas, shopping, politics
I'm sure you can come up with MUCH more. . . It humored me for my last few minutes at work!


Holiday Shopping

I will preface with saying, I AM D.O.N.E. shopping!! Which is MORE than an accomplishment for me. . .I am one of those last minute shoppers. . .Or better yet, I am one of those AFTER the holiday sales shoppers (I usually mail my presents, so the recipients don't know the difference because I am USUALLY out of town --or out of the country). WELL, this year, I am making it home for Christmas (hurray, yipeeeee, whooohooo!!).

Anyway, the holiday season is suppose to be about PEACE and LOVE, right? (and no, this is not the hippie in me speaking) Have you been out to the STORES lately. . . ? Well, I have. . .GeeGee and I went shopping this weekend (and it was HIS idea). Anyway, we were in line and a new register opened up. The lady in front of me BOLTED to new open register by PUSHING my cart out of HER way to get through. . .No excuse me, no sorry, just RUDENESS. . .
Where is the Peace and Love?
Yeah, you probably guessed it. . .I had a few choice words for her under my breath. . .well, loud enough for her to hear them. . .



FIRST, I will have to say, I am not one who gets the flu shot every year. I believe that I am exposed to enough germs during the school year, naturally (not to mention, that I DETEST needles, and will avoid getting them at any cost!). I also believe this is why I have a fairly tough immune system. . . . except for yesterday. .
I was at school. . you know. . .teaching.. . . And all of a sudden I started to get hot and sweaty, and felt like my hair was standing up on my head! I suddendly got the urge to HURL! I ran to the bathroom and got sick! It was odd. . .The whole "rush" that came upon me suddenly.
Needless to say, I went to my next lesson where I proceeded to excuse myself to HURL some more. . .At that point, I decided to excuse myself for the day. On my way home, I managed to throw up in a plastic bag (which was given to me upon my exit from school). . . and all over myself. I could paint the picture more clearly for you, however I do not feel it to be nessacary.
When I got home I went straight to bed! I barely woke up to try eat something, and went right back to bed. I got up this morning. . .feeling a little less than fresh. However, no more throwing up! It is amazing to me what germs can do to your body. Even if it is just a short term effect.