

FIRST, I will have to say, I am not one who gets the flu shot every year. I believe that I am exposed to enough germs during the school year, naturally (not to mention, that I DETEST needles, and will avoid getting them at any cost!). I also believe this is why I have a fairly tough immune system. . . . except for yesterday. .
I was at school. . you know. . .teaching.. . . And all of a sudden I started to get hot and sweaty, and felt like my hair was standing up on my head! I suddendly got the urge to HURL! I ran to the bathroom and got sick! It was odd. . .The whole "rush" that came upon me suddenly.
Needless to say, I went to my next lesson where I proceeded to excuse myself to HURL some more. . .At that point, I decided to excuse myself for the day. On my way home, I managed to throw up in a plastic bag (which was given to me upon my exit from school). . . and all over myself. I could paint the picture more clearly for you, however I do not feel it to be nessacary.
When I got home I went straight to bed! I barely woke up to try eat something, and went right back to bed. I got up this morning. . .feeling a little less than fresh. However, no more throwing up! It is amazing to me what germs can do to your body. Even if it is just a short term effect.


bosslady said...

Awww! Poopy pants! I'm sorry you got so sick.

Just wondering...Did you wear something sexy for Gee Gee last night?

hee hee,