
Traveling Pet PEEVES

Like many people, I traveled for the holidays. I don't know if it was just because I have been sick, or what. . . .but, man. . ! I REALLY hate stupid people. Here is a list of some of the TOP ten things that made me feel like HAPPY GILMORE:

10. People letting their children run WILD around the airport - I watched a woman let her child run AROUND everyone in line at check-in, over to the counters, back through the lines, and out the automatic doors FEET away from the street - NICE

9. Not having your ID out and ready

8. Having to be reminded of the rules of security. . .Never mind that the airports are at HIGH alert (shoes off, computers out, no more than 2 oz. of liquids IN Ziploc bags. . . .COME ON people. . You DO know the drill!!)

7. Trying to redress yourself after you've gone through security at the end of the conveyor belt. . .so everyone can trip over you as they grab their things from the bins

6. RUSHING to load the plane. . .just in case your seat that you paid A LOT of money for is no longer available

5. Talking while the flight attendant is giving their speech (Come on PEOPLE! You know they don't REALLY enjoy doing it, they just have to! Be POLITE!)

4. Not turning off your cell phones, electronic devices, putting up your seat and tables for take off. REALLY people. . .Do you need to delay the take off for that?!?

3. Landing

2. People rushing off the plane to PASS you when you have been seated in front of them - If your in such a rush, why don't you choose your seats BEFORE you get on the plane??

1. Waiting for your bags at the conveyor belt, giving ample room for people to step in front of you IF they see their bags, and for STUPID people to step in front of you (yes, in that 2 foot personal space - and believe me, under my breath I say loud enough for them to hear - " Excuse you when I see my bag and WIPE you out with it as I take you out when I grab my bag off the conveyor belt)


bosslady said...

So, you had fun traveling, eh? next time, do what I do and take 2 valium. One before you get on the plane and one for when you get off the plane. Someone was standing on my hand in baggage claim for what could be upwards of 3 mins. I had no idea but I noticed that the room needed paint.

Anonymous said...

this one time, i reclined my seat when i was informed that it was appropriate to do so and the grumpy old man behind me started beating on my seat back and yelling at me. out of shock, i returned my seat back to it's upright and locked position. after i got my wits about me again, i slowly eased my seat back over the next several minutes. he eventually noticed and proceeded to push with all of his mite into my seat. he was old and that didn't last long. i hope i never get that grumpy.