
Deadly Zins

I had some friends over for dinner on Saturday, and my roomie brought home a bottle of wine (quite tasty if I say so myself!). The best part about the bottle was the poem printed on the back. I thought I would share:

"I'm raging with ire, an ocean of fire

My wrath is the path to all I desire.

Oh Lord, forgive me my Zins.

I'm inflated with pride, near-bursting inside

A self-centered repenter, vanity's' bride.

Oh Lord, forgive me my Zins.

I'm mired in mud, inert as a slug,

sloth is the cloth that's woven my rug.

Oh Lord, forgive me my Zins.

I eat day and night, consuming all in my sight,

A glutton with nothing but a huge appetite.

Oh Lord, forgive me my Zins.

My will I ignore, my envy's a chore

Over-zealous and jealous, I want so much more.

Oh Lord, forgive me my Zins.

I'm ravenous to feast, an insatiable beast

I concede to the greed demanding release.

Oh Lord, forgive me my Zins.

I hunger for trust, my craving's a must

My sin is the Zin enslaving my lust.

Oh Lord, forgive me my Zins."

So, when you have a chance, go out and get yourself a FINE bottle of this CHEAP wine!


Parking In the City

I went out to dinner with Red and JJ last night. We walked JJ to her car, and she drove us to Red's. When we got there, Red's car was locked in the gated parking lot of Vogue Flowers.
Can you say "buzz kill"?? It was TOO funny. . .At least it didn't get towed!


Recovering. . . .

It has taken me days, but I am finally feeling back to normal. Well, as normal as I get.

I just had a WONDERFUL weekend with my best friend forever (Aklet).

She got to come and visit me from the ATL. She also got to visit (well,. . .party) with some of my closest friends. . which of course she already knows: Red, Sunrise, and Ghetto

GeeGee was also in town, as well as his buddy Yusif (as pictured in the above picture. . .the brave enough one to partake in my "hat photo shoot". We had one hell of a time! We spent about a total of 2 hours out at the bars, and the rest of the time tornado-ING through my house.

Needless to say, I would do it ALL over again. Unfortunately, I don't have any CRAZY stories to tell about the weekend. The company involved, explains it enough. . . .




I've had my good girl panties on so far this year, meaning I have not been partaking in drinking. GeeGee's friend, Yusif, has been visiting from Northern Virginia (in order to stay away from the inauguration madness).In order to be a good hostess, I decided to do a little drinking on Saturday. . .
We had a grand old time, Yusif and I. . .We bickered until the wee hours of the morning, until we both found our spots sleeping on the couch, not able to make it to bed.
When I woke, at 8 am, I went to my room to find a CATASTROPHE. Water was spewing ALL over my carpet in my bedroom from the bathroom. In my haze, I reached under the sink and cut off the valve that was allowing water to DUMP all over the place.
Later, I got ROBBED by a friend of a friend plumber that came over to "check things out for me", and then tell me that he made an "emergency weekend service call" and it was going to cost me $50. . .
To sum things up, I made a call to my home owner's insurance, making a claim for the damages: carpet - $300, sink console - $400, woodwork - $ 1,000, paint - $200, dresser - $350, wet vac - $50, being too hung over to deal with such a CATASTROPHE - PRICELESS
Moral of this blog: Don't drink after you decide you are going to wear good girl panties



So, the holidays were GREAT this year. After GeeGee and I got back from our trip we had a GIANT box that was awaiting our arrival. It was a gift from his dad. Inside it was a SMALL package (I think Daddy was trying to mess with us - BIG package, with little present). Needless to say, we all know the saying "Big things come in small packages"??. . .(Well this was a small package in a big box. . . but you get the point) Inside was our BEST present from the holidays (sorry for any of those this might upset). Inside was one of those Flip cameras. TOO COOL! Needless to say, GeeGee hasn't used it ONCE! It is all ME! If his dad only knew what he was getting us into!!

New Year's Resolutions

FIRST of all, I think I have made it clear that BLOGGING is not one of my resolutions (hence, the lack of posts in '09).

However, these are some of the changes I plan on implementing:

1. Getting out of ANY debt I may have, excluding my house and student loans (Unfortunately, my student loans will be with me for a LONG time) - GOAL date: March '09

2. Taking care of my health (Yes, this means going to the gym on a more regular basic AND spending more time DDing, not d-drinkin'!)

3. Find satisfaction in my job (The job market is WAY to bad to do any career changes!)

4. Having my dear, sweet, loving boyfriend cook for me (and NO, ordering and paying for takeout does not count!!)

5. Get rid of JUNK, and half used things or unused things(EX: I just painted my bathroom with vertical stripes with left over paint from my kitchen, main bathroom, and bedroom - HEY! It may look FUNKY, but I got rid of SEVERAL paint cans lurking around in my attic)