
New Year's Resolutions

FIRST of all, I think I have made it clear that BLOGGING is not one of my resolutions (hence, the lack of posts in '09).

However, these are some of the changes I plan on implementing:

1. Getting out of ANY debt I may have, excluding my house and student loans (Unfortunately, my student loans will be with me for a LONG time) - GOAL date: March '09

2. Taking care of my health (Yes, this means going to the gym on a more regular basic AND spending more time DDing, not d-drinkin'!)

3. Find satisfaction in my job (The job market is WAY to bad to do any career changes!)

4. Having my dear, sweet, loving boyfriend cook for me (and NO, ordering and paying for takeout does not count!!)

5. Get rid of JUNK, and half used things or unused things(EX: I just painted my bathroom with vertical stripes with left over paint from my kitchen, main bathroom, and bedroom - HEY! It may look FUNKY, but I got rid of SEVERAL paint cans lurking around in my attic)


Unknown said...

i'm pretty sure that number 4 is NOT a resolution for you, per se...