
Deadly Zins

I had some friends over for dinner on Saturday, and my roomie brought home a bottle of wine (quite tasty if I say so myself!). The best part about the bottle was the poem printed on the back. I thought I would share:

"I'm raging with ire, an ocean of fire

My wrath is the path to all I desire.

Oh Lord, forgive me my Zins.

I'm inflated with pride, near-bursting inside

A self-centered repenter, vanity's' bride.

Oh Lord, forgive me my Zins.

I'm mired in mud, inert as a slug,

sloth is the cloth that's woven my rug.

Oh Lord, forgive me my Zins.

I eat day and night, consuming all in my sight,

A glutton with nothing but a huge appetite.

Oh Lord, forgive me my Zins.

My will I ignore, my envy's a chore

Over-zealous and jealous, I want so much more.

Oh Lord, forgive me my Zins.

I'm ravenous to feast, an insatiable beast

I concede to the greed demanding release.

Oh Lord, forgive me my Zins.

I hunger for trust, my craving's a must

My sin is the Zin enslaving my lust.

Oh Lord, forgive me my Zins."

So, when you have a chance, go out and get yourself a FINE bottle of this CHEAP wine!