

I've had my good girl panties on so far this year, meaning I have not been partaking in drinking. GeeGee's friend, Yusif, has been visiting from Northern Virginia (in order to stay away from the inauguration madness).In order to be a good hostess, I decided to do a little drinking on Saturday. . .
We had a grand old time, Yusif and I. . .We bickered until the wee hours of the morning, until we both found our spots sleeping on the couch, not able to make it to bed.
When I woke, at 8 am, I went to my room to find a CATASTROPHE. Water was spewing ALL over my carpet in my bedroom from the bathroom. In my haze, I reached under the sink and cut off the valve that was allowing water to DUMP all over the place.
Later, I got ROBBED by a friend of a friend plumber that came over to "check things out for me", and then tell me that he made an "emergency weekend service call" and it was going to cost me $50. . .
To sum things up, I made a call to my home owner's insurance, making a claim for the damages: carpet - $300, sink console - $400, woodwork - $ 1,000, paint - $200, dresser - $350, wet vac - $50, being too hung over to deal with such a CATASTROPHE - PRICELESS
Moral of this blog: Don't drink after you decide you are going to wear good girl panties


bosslady said...

I guess you had your 'bad girl' panties on the rest of the week too! ;)