
Celebrating Framily

Last night, I got to celebrate a birthday (belated that is) with my friend Ghetto. We got to surprise her at Kabuto's for a delightful dinner.

It was a fun time for all (well, except the people that had to wait on us). We must have been some high maintence kind of people because they didn't even give Ghetto her well deserved birthday singing nonsense and cake! Of course, the 12 of us carried on with our own version to shower the birthday girl with. I have to say, it sounded pretty good (or maybe that was the sake that made it sound good. . .). Needless to say, it was great to get together with the framily to celebrate not only a birthday, but our friendships, and how important we all really are to each other - - even if it was a late celebration.

Happy Birthday Ghetto!!