
Valentine HERO

After Cousin and I left our ice climbing adventure, the truck, that my step dad had so graciously loaned us, broke down in North Conway. I'll give you a little geography lesson here: North Conway is an hour drive from East Wakefield (my mom's house), two hours from my sister's, and 3 hours from my dad's.

We were STUCK! The car wouldn't start, my mom and step dad were in Miami, my sister would not even THINK about driving to come get us, GeeGee didn't know where he was, or where he would be going, and my dad was too far away. As I was frantically calling EVERYONE to inform them of our dilemma, my dad beeped in. . . . .

"Dad! I can't talk right now, we are broken down in North Conway. . . . . !" He says, "I'm in Fryburg, 10 minutes away! I'll come get you!!"

Weirdly enough, my dad was in the next town over. He RARELY gets off the "mountain" where he lives, but was there to rescue his daughter on VALENTINE'S DAY. How lucky was I??