
Ice Climbing 101

This weekend was QUITE an adventure! GeeGee and I flew up to New Hampshire for the LONG weekend, and met his cousin there (whom had NEVER seen ice OR snow) to go ice climbing with the International Mountain Climbing School in North Conway.

Cousin and I ventured up to North Conway, geared on up, and climbed Cathedral Ledge. It was an AWESOME adventure: we froze our BUTTS off, bruised ourselves considerably, and got a GREAT upper body workout. We were able to climb one side of the ledge twice, and then went and climbed a COMPLETELY vertical ledge as well.

We BOTH decided that we had never spent so much money on a Valentine's date before, but it was worth it.

I think we can officially be called "Mountain Women" now!


Anonymous said...

Awesome pic. John Kennedy climbed that cliff!