
Family History

My cousin sent me this picture on Facebook the other day. It is a picture of my mother, and her three brothers. She was about 8, the twins five years, the older brother, 16.
It is so fun digging up family dirt! Check out the shades!!!
-about 1962



So, the Cousin showed me up this weekend! She was the daughter my father WISHED he had. Cousin volenteered to gut and clean the fish from the ice fishing derby on Little Ossippee Lake, Maine. We even got it all on tape!!!

NOTE: I am deciding not to provide any graphics for this one. I am having fish for dinner. . .


Valentine HERO

After Cousin and I left our ice climbing adventure, the truck, that my step dad had so graciously loaned us, broke down in North Conway. I'll give you a little geography lesson here: North Conway is an hour drive from East Wakefield (my mom's house), two hours from my sister's, and 3 hours from my dad's.

We were STUCK! The car wouldn't start, my mom and step dad were in Miami, my sister would not even THINK about driving to come get us, GeeGee didn't know where he was, or where he would be going, and my dad was too far away. As I was frantically calling EVERYONE to inform them of our dilemma, my dad beeped in. . . . .

"Dad! I can't talk right now, we are broken down in North Conway. . . . . !" He says, "I'm in Fryburg, 10 minutes away! I'll come get you!!"

Weirdly enough, my dad was in the next town over. He RARELY gets off the "mountain" where he lives, but was there to rescue his daughter on VALENTINE'S DAY. How lucky was I??

Ice Climbing 101

This weekend was QUITE an adventure! GeeGee and I flew up to New Hampshire for the LONG weekend, and met his cousin there (whom had NEVER seen ice OR snow) to go ice climbing with the International Mountain Climbing School in North Conway.

Cousin and I ventured up to North Conway, geared on up, and climbed Cathedral Ledge. It was an AWESOME adventure: we froze our BUTTS off, bruised ourselves considerably, and got a GREAT upper body workout. We were able to climb one side of the ledge twice, and then went and climbed a COMPLETELY vertical ledge as well.

We BOTH decided that we had never spent so much money on a Valentine's date before, but it was worth it.

I think we can officially be called "Mountain Women" now!


Girl Wood

I will preface with saying, " I LOVE MY DVR!" I am not sure I will ever be able to live without it!!!

I was just watching My Name is Earl. If you HAVEN'T seen it, you need to give it a chance. It is a half hour show. . .unless you DVR it, then it only takes about 22 minutes of your time.

Anyway, one of the main characters played, by Jamie Pressly, just said she got girl wood from listening to 80 slow jams. I just thought it was the funniest thing. . . The rest of the episode was just as funny! You can check out an episode online. I am getting ready to check out their blog.

Let me know what you think about it!!


Celebrating Framily

Last night, I got to celebrate a birthday (belated that is) with my friend Ghetto. We got to surprise her at Kabuto's for a delightful dinner.

It was a fun time for all (well, except the people that had to wait on us). We must have been some high maintence kind of people because they didn't even give Ghetto her well deserved birthday singing nonsense and cake! Of course, the 12 of us carried on with our own version to shower the birthday girl with. I have to say, it sounded pretty good (or maybe that was the sake that made it sound good. . .). Needless to say, it was great to get together with the framily to celebrate not only a birthday, but our friendships, and how important we all really are to each other - - even if it was a late celebration.

Happy Birthday Ghetto!!