

As I prepare to leave my framily, I am pleasantly reminded of how lucky I am to have the friends that I do. . . .No matter how long, or how far. . . I am blessed with people in my life that will travel to any distance, for any reason to catch up. The funny thing is. . . There never really feels like there’s any catching up to do. . . We always pick up right where we left off!

I will miss you Buchwald framily! Thanks for sharing this very special week with me (even though you CLEARLY had NO choice!).

My blessing goes to: The airlines and AIR MILES


To My Mexican Children

So, I spent my Christmas this year in Mexico. My good friends are currently living there. When I was there, I spent my Christmas Eve at an orphanage, Refugio Infantil . I was instantly touched by the beautiful and grateful children. . .that had nothing compared to the life I live.

To make a long story short, my friend, and AMAZING photographer, is doing a fundraiser for the orphanage, as well as for a local animal shelter, Centro De Acopio . Please visit her blog to learn more about her mission to raise money for the organizations. In return for your donation, you get a photograph of your choice! I know that seeing her photographs will touch your heart, just as these children did for me on Christmas Eve. Together, we can ALL make a difference! DON'T forget to visit: http://www.innatephoto.com/blog/



Since I spent time with Aklet & Chuk during their first couple weeks of parenthood, I thought that it would only be appropriate to spend the beginning of parenthood with ScarScar & Mr. D in Chicago! Not to mention, it usually cures any urges I have for being responsible for someone besides myself (Sorry Mom. . . .No chance for grandchildren anytime soon. . .even though you have MORE than informed me you are ready!).
SOOOO - I arrived in Chicago today to see the newest addition to my framily (friends + family):

Gracyn Betty-Rose

It was wonderful to finally be able to meet her and SQUEEZE her! She was wide-eyed and cheery to meet her Auntie! I am looking forward to spending the next week in Chicago with my bellysista and her beautiful babe!!

If I could only sleep like she does! Kisses Gracyn!
Hopefully, she will sleep like this all week while I am here!


Holly's Boot & Rally 30th!

So, the morning started off with good food and good company. Lil’ Sis and I made the boys some breakfast, and managed to NOT drink an entire bottle of champagne before we got on the road. The ride to Rangeley was long and bumpy. The frost heaves on Route 16 made YOU want to heave. Needless to say, we were all a little car sick by the time to got to Dad’s. Lil’ Sis managed to do the old boot and rally. Welcome to your 30’s!!

Dad hooked us up with some snowmobiles (a.k.a sleds). We each had one. I was proud of Lil’ Sis’s decision to drive one on her own (never mind that fact that she decided to come with us even though she just hurled). So, our adventure began. The line-up was Dad, Lil’ Sis, Honeychild, Mr. Clean, & GeeGee. We stopped at the gas station to fill up the sleds, not knowing REALLY how long we were going to be out. Up in Rangeley, the gas is usually a little pricey. . . $3.57 a gallon pricey! We got on our sleds to see what they were made up. As we started the Rangeley Loop, the first set of sleds we passed almost RAMMED us by being on the wrong side of the trail. I thought, “This is going to be fun! Didn’t Dad say there had been 5 deaths already this year on these things? Don’t let Lil’ Sis hear that one!”

After about 20 minutes of riding, Lil’ Sis was finally confident to give her some! We had a good pace going (no faster than 35 miles an hour, if you stayed within traveling distance), and it was time to decide how long our adventure was going to be. Dad suggested that it would take about an hour to finish the loop. We put the decision in Lil’ Sis’s hands, since it was her birthday, and she was the one that was not feeling well. She decided it was a go, and it was ON!

We had a GREAT time riding. The trails were a little bumpy. Evidently, they had not been groomed in about a week. Since I hadn’t been riding since I was a teenager, I didn’t know the difference! It started to get dark, which gave us ALL more confidence on taking over BOTH sides of the trail, allowing us to get a little reckless. We made multiple stops (so Dad could get his nicotine fix), so we were able to regroup and make sure everyone stayed warm. It wasn’t until 4 hours into our ride, that Dad gave the impression he was lost. . . A ONE hour ride, my butt!! Lil’ Sis and I should have been aware of this characteristic of Dad’s. His estimations of time aren’t always the best (I guess I know where I inherited that characteristic)! Lil’ Sis had a minimal panic attack, as we all thought about different things: What if someone ran out of gas? Could we build a fire in these snow covered grounds? Are the bears still hibernating? Should we sleep in the trees so the wolves don’t get us??

After Dad had seemed to found his way back, we all became a little relieved and a little skeptical of his 45 minute estimation to be home. Needless to say, we made it back to town with no crashes. CLOSE. . . but, no accidents. We gassed ourselves back up ($125 dollars worth), and headed back to the camp. Since we had only eaten breakfast that day, we were all quite grateful that Dad had made some homemade chicken noodle soup (Nana would be proud of her little bachelor!). We managed to go to bed at a reasonable hour without getting too intoxicated (This would probably be a FIRST during an overnight in Rangeley). We were all WAY TOO BEAT from the FIVE hours on the sleds!

We woke leisurely in the morning to Dad’s famous home fried potatoes, and then we were on our way down the mountain. We took a different route in order for us to avoid the horrible frost heaves, and so that GeeGee could see the Height of Land (okay, really, that part was for me). I managed to regain control and get the keys to the rental. . .OH – and get us lost. . . .AND loose a bet (way to go Honeychild!). When we got back to the camp, Lil’ Sis and I took a ride to the store (which is ONLY 15 miles from the camp. . . ). I cooked a delicious dinner, and we turned in at a reasonable hour.

So, GeeGee and I are now wrapping things up at the camp, and ready for our St. Patrick’s adventure in Boston. Wish us luck!!!


RIC is Improving!!

FIRST of all, for all of you to know, Richmond Airport has FREE Internet access! I know, I was shocked too! So, it seemed only appropriate to write a blog after 3 v/s with a splash of cran. . .and a shot of chilled Ketal. . . .

So, I am getting ready to board to my flight to BOS to celebrate my lil' sis's 30th birthday. . . my flight is delayed, so I get to ramble. . .this might be an interesting blog. . .

I got to the airport and went through security, and then directly to the BAR. First of all, I got carded (which the Leo in me LOVES), and I sat right next to one of my bar customers. Can you say "ironic"?? We chatted for a while and talked about some Internet dating experiences. . . After he left, I proceeded to call my left arm, Aklet. We carried on for a while about life and our plans for the Summer. . And yes, I was the annoying person at the bar talking on my cell phone. . .In the middle of all my chat, I managed to get MULTIPLY texts from my mom and stepdad in Dibai. I am getting ready to spend some time at their cozy little home without there presence.

My mom, whom I got ALL the best qualities from, has texted me multiply times (yes, my mom texts) about where to go, how to get there, what is in the fridge, how to keep the sponge after washing the dishes, and so on. . . .Her husband then texts me. . .I believe he thinks I am going to try to partake in some monkey business at their house. I assured him, that I will not do that until I am married. . . .

So, on that note, my GeeGee (Greek God), will be awaiting my arrival in BOS. . unfortunately he will be waiting more than he wants. . .sorry babe. . .it may be more than "seven"! My flight is delayed. . . .However, I am looking forward to a fun filled weekend, packed full of adventure and NO SLEEP! Welcome to Honeychild's World. . . Your welcome to live in it, visit it, or live vicarously through it! It is your choice! Happy St. Patrick's Day Weekend! Aket, I am going to try to top our Savannah St. Patty's Days! Did you know that BOS was the FIRST to celebrate St. Patty's Day in 1737??? Hopefully, you will not read about me and GeeGee in the Boston Post!


My SECOND Podcast

Now I am rolling. . . .

Fourth Grade Internet Safety

LOOK! I do make a difference with my job! The kids LOVED this!!


Sunday, Funday!

After a freak out to the time change, today started with a little church on the television at work. Once Cougar started feeling sick, Sunday School didn't seem so appropriate. We called in our reinforcements, and carried on with the day.
Today turned out to be fun day. . . I had a successful, painless day at work, and I not ONCE got totally frustrated with bad restaurant etiquette. I think the coolest thing about today, was that I left work and it was still light out. Just as I had a freak out this morning before work, I had an enlightening freak out this afternoon. . . .
Conclusion: I could never be a vampire. . . .
On a side note: New tuna steak topping for dinner = horseradish, rice wine vinegar, fresh diced ginger, Dijon mustard, and pepper. . .YUM!!


Searching For Something New. . .

As a "week" is ending. . . I have no desire to try and search for something new. For those of you that know me, this may seem odd. . . .BUT, in my defense, I believe I have finally found something that I deserve. . . and my desire to search and wait for the right thing to come along is done. . . .
Karma has been on my side all along!


The Water Cycle In Richmond

Water Cycle

This is an example of one of my FIRST podcasts. I drew the pictures in Pixie ( I know I should be an artist), and dropped them into Movie Maker. I then recorded my voice in Audacity, and put that in the storyboard. Lastly, I added my music. . .The timing at the end was just LUCK!

I also had to covert it to MP4 after it was published in a .WMV format (Thanks Monty!)