
WAYF. . . .Pronounced Waaayyyyphhhh

Can you figure out this acronym.. . . .? Give it a shot!!

Long story short. . .good thing the boys are as ADHD as me. . . . . One project after the next, and than next, and next. . . . GOOD BOYS!!

500 Square Feet of Fun

So, the DECKS are done. . . .Dad's masterpiece is complete! His week and a half visit has now turned into a THREE WEEK stay. . .

I have very much enjoyed the quality time I have been able to spend with my DADDY. He didn't make me do nearly as much work as I thought. A matter of fact, I have a lot of gym time to catch up on. . . Instead of being at the gym after work, I have been on my deck (excuse me. . .DECKS) drinking booze. . .

This weekend I bought and put together the patio furniture for the decks. . .Sooooo, we are ready to rock and roll. . .I figure this will cut back on the drinking and driving this summer, right?? Bring a bottle and a tent!!


Progress. . .

So, it has been an EXTREMELY busy two weeks with dad here. He has been rocking and rolling on his MASTERPIECE. The first deck is done, and he is currently working on the THREE other decks.

He has made sure to take care of all the details. . .the lights (and electrical boxes for the radio, rotisserie, hot tub, and more!), the sanded railings, the supports (just in case someone decides to try to SIT on my railings), and the ash trays. He also made sure that the hot tub was in working order for my dinner guests.

We were able to go to dinner at P.F. Changs on Friday. It was the whole gang: SEVEN (Dad, Me, Sarraha, Red, Pepper Teapot, GeeGee, and Steve. . .my neighbor that sold me the hot tub)
We were able to accomplish the following: harass the waitress, drink 4 bottles of wine (between 4 of us), eat some DELICIOUS food, embarrass GeeGee TWICE, take over the patio. . .OH – and get a little drunky-drunk (See! I am letting dad have a little bit of fun!!).

Needless to say, we have been having fun! I even got dad to play a little Guitar Hero!

I HAVE allowed him to walk around WITHOUT tools, but only when he is not at my house.


Update on House Project

Okay. . .So, I am so slack. . . .Here is a picture from YESTERDAY'S work (really two days ago because it is offically Friday. . .. 3:42 am):

My dad worked on the deck. . .I was sooo stoked to come home, to not only a frame, but half decked area to sit and stand on. . .

Today, dad finished laying the deck and the stairs, tomorrow is the fencing. . .

OH- When I came home today, I decided to bust it out in the yard with a crow bar and sledge hammer (to impress my neighbors). I managed to score some good neighborly conversion and possibly a hot tub. . . Good times. . .

TOMMORROW dad PLAN: railing, gate, hot tub, remaining concrete, plumbing (??)


My list. . . .

So, it has one heck of a week already! I worked a crazy weekend at Buddy's, while dad slaved at my house. . .

Seeing that is has rained the past few days, I figured I would allow him to do extras inside. Here was was on the list indoors: garbage disposal

Here are the things he has completed: garbage disposal (with only minimal water on the floor), hitting on all my friends, greased up door (for smoother closing), no ice, easy closing refrigerator (yes, this means no one is going to get knocked out anymore with the door opening), mud on my carpet, a mailbox that will stay fastened to my house, figured out my spotlight problem, a French door off my bedroom with built in blinds (that is right. . .no dusting. . . )!

Next is the deck and patio! I am very excited about getting my backyard together to enjoy my grill more. . .

On that note, I will say that GeeGee stepped it up on the grill tonight! We enjoyed some pork ribs (which I do not normally eat OR enjoy), some rocking potatoes (with all kinds of spices), and corn. He did a fabulous job. . . so, now if I can just make sure he keeps it up on the grill at dinner time, I can enjoy a fabulous martini on my deck at happy hour. . .


Honey Do List

So, my dad is down here for a few weeks (he says he will be here for about a week, but of course he isn't really clear on the fact that I have kidnapped him for at least two).
To be prepared for his stay, I created a honey do list. I'm sure he is VERY fond of this! It ranges from fixing my mailbox (which is already done) to building me a porch and patio. Since he doesn't get up until about 10 in the morning, I figure I will be home in the afternoons to help and he will not be slaving by his self (although I will say he was up and working at 6:30 this morning!).
Any whoozle, I am VERY excited about his visit and stay, and I am also VERY excited about learning some handy things. I feel like dad and I will be able to have a few father and daughter moments.
One daddy here. . . now I just have to wait for the other daddy to get here! Gee Gee? Are you ready to be put to work?? I'll let you sleep in!!!!