
My list. . . .

So, it has one heck of a week already! I worked a crazy weekend at Buddy's, while dad slaved at my house. . .

Seeing that is has rained the past few days, I figured I would allow him to do extras inside. Here was was on the list indoors: garbage disposal

Here are the things he has completed: garbage disposal (with only minimal water on the floor), hitting on all my friends, greased up door (for smoother closing), no ice, easy closing refrigerator (yes, this means no one is going to get knocked out anymore with the door opening), mud on my carpet, a mailbox that will stay fastened to my house, figured out my spotlight problem, a French door off my bedroom with built in blinds (that is right. . .no dusting. . . )!

Next is the deck and patio! I am very excited about getting my backyard together to enjoy my grill more. . .

On that note, I will say that GeeGee stepped it up on the grill tonight! We enjoyed some pork ribs (which I do not normally eat OR enjoy), some rocking potatoes (with all kinds of spices), and corn. He did a fabulous job. . . so, now if I can just make sure he keeps it up on the grill at dinner time, I can enjoy a fabulous martini on my deck at happy hour. . .


bosslady said...

Man! that deck is coming along quite well. You'll really enjoy it this summer.

bosslady said...
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