
A Step(h) in the Wrong Direction: The Days Where EVERYTHING Goes Wrong

Do you ever have days were EVERYTHING seems to go wrong. . .. .??? Where you question yourself aloud, asking "Where did these people come from??" Well, I had one of those days. This is where it began going wrong:

I got home from work, and walked around the house to put something in the shed. When I came back, I walked into the house, and realized I was tracking mud into the house. . .ALL over the kitchen floor and carpet. . . I realized next, that it was not mud. . .It was dog doo. . .

(side note: Any suggetions for greeting my new neighbors with some plastic bags to pick up their dog sh**???). After I scrubbed the carpet, and mopped the floor, I started thinking about how to address this issue with my neighbors.


Attack of the FLIES

I got a phone call the other day, that caused a SERIOUS flashback of a FREAK OUT!! Jules called me, with a concern of an abundance of flies found in her windows. She asked me if I had the same problem. . .Which brought me to my flashback:

One day last Fall, I noticed a numerous amount of flies in my windows. I gingerly lifted up my window shades, and started SWATTING away vigorously!! I hopped from window to window, killing flies!! By the time I got through swatting at ALL the living room windows, and ALL the kitchen windows, I noticed that the flies just seemed to magically multiply. THE WINDOWS WERE FILLED BACK UP. Frustrated and annoyed, several thoughts went through my head: Is there something DEAD under my house? Are there maggots somewhere? Is there a window OPEN somewhere?? What the HELL is going on???? The next day, I came home and began swatting away again. It wasn't working. . . The flies were just coming BACK! Time for plan B! I pulled out the vacuum cleaner, and started vacuuming up the live (and dead) flies from the windows.

Eventually, plan B worked. My problem was no longer the flies in the windows (which I STILL don't know what caused it) - It was the abundance of fly GUTS all over the inside of my windows.

Moral of this story - Jules: I have NO idea, but use a vacuum.


You know how you can tell some things about a person based on their music taste. . .Or even, based on what music they have in their car???Okay. . . So, my GeeGee is out of town, and I have been using his vehicle sporadically. I was listening to the radio, and decided to switch to see what CDs were in his stereo system. Below I have made a list. . . .His disc holder holds SIX. Guess which SIX were in his car (some were doubles. . .):

1. Timberland
2. Chris Cornell
3. Ben Harper (2 discs)
4. Rihanna
5. Jason Mraz (2 discs)
6. AC/DC
7. Dianna Ross
8. Jack Johnson

Did you guess?? What do you think this means about my man????


Sometimes, Weird Things Happen!

You know how sometimes weird things happen? For instance, a couple months ago, I was in my car. I was getting out, and lifted my arm (to get my purse adjusted correctly for my exit). . . .When I did, my knuckles skimmed across my CD case on my visor and SLICED me like a knife. It was a NICE BIG slice of skin hanging from my hand, bleeding. . .. Kind of weird and freakish, right???

Well, yesterday, another weird accident happened (where I got hurt). I was dragging (or pulling) a BIG cart (our school laptop cart), into the doorway. I had borrowed the teacher's room key to unlock the door (because the class was not there. . .yes, I was early for once!). As I pulled in the cart, the key that was still in the door knob, sliced my finger. It was kind of like stubbing your little toe, to the point where you wish you could just cut it off because it hurts soooooooo bad. . .except, there wasn't just pain, there was blood too!! I sliced my finger from my cuticle down to my first knuckle.
I got an email from that teacher later. I bent her key. . . .



So, we have 3 more weeks until election day. I have been REALLY trying to make an educated decision. It has been quite difficult to see the REAL picture through all these BASHING political ads, the media itself, and the candidates who have a hard time answering questions. ..

I came across this site, that helped me see the plain picture (I am using it with my school children), so it is easy to compare candidates. . . .

I hope this helps YOU make the right decision!!


SOOOO- I got to spend some quality time with my girls on Saturday (Thanks GeeGee, for being so understanding. . . .). We did the 5K for Children's Hospital, and decided to reward ourselves with SEVERAL bottles of champagne!! It was a GREAT afternoon. . .. .Friends, sun, and drinks. . . .
Needless to say, I feel like I am ALL caught up with the gossip. Between our celebrity magazines, and catching up with friends. . .I am satisfied for a while!!!


WATCH where you're going!!

Yesterday, I went for a bike ride with one of my friends. We headed up to the park to hit a few trails. On our bike ride, we ran into the Navy Seal Team on one of the trails. It was like we were being run over by a HERD! We laughed about being "run off the road" and carried on. . .

As we were leaving the park, we got to the downward sidewalk, and a man was jogging up the sidewalk. . . My girlfriend was in front of me, and as she passed the jogger, she "slipped" a little, but was able to regain control of her bike. I, on the other hand, passed the jogger, and lost ALL control of my bike, and skid out. I managed to ONLY tear up my knee a little bit. . ..

My girlfriend stopped to see if I was alright, and the jogger stopped and helped me pick up my pieces (sunglasses, water bottle. . .). It was quite embarrassing, if I must say so myself. . . .I can hear the jogger dude now: "Man, I was jogging today, and this girl was checking me out! I even made her wipe out! Christ, I almost made TWO girls wipe out!"

The most embarrassing thing: He was NO Matthew McConaughey!!