
Sometimes, Weird Things Happen!

You know how sometimes weird things happen? For instance, a couple months ago, I was in my car. I was getting out, and lifted my arm (to get my purse adjusted correctly for my exit). . . .When I did, my knuckles skimmed across my CD case on my visor and SLICED me like a knife. It was a NICE BIG slice of skin hanging from my hand, bleeding. . .. Kind of weird and freakish, right???

Well, yesterday, another weird accident happened (where I got hurt). I was dragging (or pulling) a BIG cart (our school laptop cart), into the doorway. I had borrowed the teacher's room key to unlock the door (because the class was not there. . .yes, I was early for once!). As I pulled in the cart, the key that was still in the door knob, sliced my finger. It was kind of like stubbing your little toe, to the point where you wish you could just cut it off because it hurts soooooooo bad. . .except, there wasn't just pain, there was blood too!! I sliced my finger from my cuticle down to my first knuckle.
I got an email from that teacher later. I bent her key. . . .


bosslady said...

dude. So in your most recent posts, you cut your finger, scraped your knuckles and fell off your bike.

Poor baby!

Honeychild said...

YUP!! So, what the hell did I do to deserve ALL this?? I HAVE been a good girl. . .
OH! Tell Salem, I am sorry I did not have any pictures of the bloody wounds to show her. . .my bad.