

You know how you can tell some things about a person based on their music taste. . .Or even, based on what music they have in their car???Okay. . . So, my GeeGee is out of town, and I have been using his vehicle sporadically. I was listening to the radio, and decided to switch to see what CDs were in his stereo system. Below I have made a list. . . .His disc holder holds SIX. Guess which SIX were in his car (some were doubles. . .):

1. Timberland
2. Chris Cornell
3. Ben Harper (2 discs)
4. Rihanna
5. Jason Mraz (2 discs)
6. AC/DC
7. Dianna Ross
8. Jack Johnson

Did you guess?? What do you think this means about my man????


bosslady said...

Ac/dc and dianna ross? So, he's an angry metal-head drag queen?

He kills me!

Honeychild said...

You would have thought. . ."metal-head drag queen. . ."
NO AC/DC and NO Dianna Ross