
WATCH where you're going!!

Yesterday, I went for a bike ride with one of my friends. We headed up to the park to hit a few trails. On our bike ride, we ran into the Navy Seal Team on one of the trails. It was like we were being run over by a HERD! We laughed about being "run off the road" and carried on. . .

As we were leaving the park, we got to the downward sidewalk, and a man was jogging up the sidewalk. . . My girlfriend was in front of me, and as she passed the jogger, she "slipped" a little, but was able to regain control of her bike. I, on the other hand, passed the jogger, and lost ALL control of my bike, and skid out. I managed to ONLY tear up my knee a little bit. . ..

My girlfriend stopped to see if I was alright, and the jogger stopped and helped me pick up my pieces (sunglasses, water bottle. . .). It was quite embarrassing, if I must say so myself. . . .I can hear the jogger dude now: "Man, I was jogging today, and this girl was checking me out! I even made her wipe out! Christ, I almost made TWO girls wipe out!"

The most embarrassing thing: He was NO Matthew McConaughey!!


bosslady said...

Ha! OMG. That's almost as funny as the time you set your face on fire starting the BBQ grill!

Honeychild said...

REAL funny! I'm glad you got a laugh out of me SETTING MY FACE on fire. . . .OH! AND me falling and scarring myself. . .leg and ego. . .

bosslady said...

Awwww Butterbean! I love you even though you've lost your luster. At least you have your youth... oh wait, you're in your 30's. Wah-wuh.