
Technology KILLS

I went to a baby shower the other day to see a dear friend how is expecting. . .I did not know anyone else there, but soon found out, that there were other educators there.
The hostess introduced all the teachers, and even highlighted there grade level/speciality. When it got to me, the hostess was at a stand still. "Um. . . What was your job again??". I answered her, and described to the others, that my position is to . . ."effectively integrate technology into the curriculum to reach our 21st century learners. . ."
One of the other teachers (who taught high school English), looked at me and said, "Technology is KILLING our students!!" Me and my BIG MOUTH actually did NOT say a word. . . . Poor lady, I thought. . . .and then it accured to me. . .Poor students. . . .


bosslady said...

duuuuuuuuude, that's retarded. It's 2008 and soon to be 2009. If kids don't know how to use technology to their advantage, they will be left out in the cold. Poo!