

Although I was was not able to spend Thanksgiving with my family (or GeeGee), I was able to make it a memorable one with friends. We managed to hustle some Germans into the debauchery. They had hit me up from Couchsurfing.com the night before. They were suppose to travel to D.C. (. . . .nightmare!!), but we talked them into to gallavanting around with our posse!

Our carivan consisted of: The Germans - (really Russians), Red, Pepper, Roomie, oatmeal raisin/chocolate chip cookies, cornbread/pumpkin muffins, and CHAMPANGE

We managed to make FOUR stops that day. We had sooo much fun, I could hardly stand (myself) the next day. Below are some pictures from the day:

I hope you had as good of a time as I did!!! HAPPY American Holiday!!


Holiday Lights

So, this weekend, I decided would be a good time to decorate for the holidays (and no, I am not crazy). I actually have NEVER had a tree at my house, and barely decorate. I am usually away for the holidays, and am not around to attend to, or enjoy the decorations. I was feeling inspired to decorate this weekend since my roommate was home, and GeeGee was around. He is leaving town, and I am leaving town, so this was a good time for us to decorate together. . . .You know, the holiday spirit thing. . . .

GeeGee was also feeling inspired. He decided he wanted to decorate the OUTSIDE of the house (something that did not even cross my mind). As he was deciding the layout of the lights, and what we would need to purchase to complete the layout, I reminded him that if he put the lights up, he was going to have to take them down. He tried to convince me that it was okay to keep the lights up, if you could hide the lights well enough so you wouldn't really see them unless they were lit.

Needless to say. . .NO WAY was that an option.

Aklet: You can add this to my pet peeves - Keeping up your holiday decorations PAST celebration time.

On that note, I will say, that although my decorations are up early, they are not allowed to be lit up until after Thanksgiving. . .This was the only time I could get the roomies together for the decorating event before the holidays.



Dad says he has a problem. . . .He's a workaholic! Everytime he thinks about working, he wants a drink! Man, it is amazing how many habits run in the family. . . .


It's TOO Big For Mine!!

So, my dad just had some surgery. . . He HAD (past tense) prostate cancer, and it recovering in the ICU now. He has and will have a catheter for a couple of weeks.
So, dad. . . .being dad. . . .looks down as his urine bag. . .and the 1 inch diameter tube that runs from the urine bag, to under his hospital nighty. . . .He says, "JESUS! That thing is up my penis?? I think they put the wrong one in! That one is for a black man!! It's too BIG for mine!"
Needless to say, he hasn't lost his humor. . .


Punish Yourself!!

I was sharing with GeeGee that I was wearing jeans the other day (something I do VERY rarely!) I explained to him why I was wearing jeans. . . .
My roommate had a bag of Goodwill clothes, and so I decided to go through them. I found some jeans that fit me, and clearly shouldn't (I have gained a little weight. . .Okay, more than a little). I was basically complaining about my struggle to get back into shape (mostly, a mental struggle). He responded:
Baby. . . . Why do you keep punishing yourself about your weight?? You need to punish yourself at the gym instead!!
I responded: So what you are really trying to tell me is that you are SICK of hearing me complain???
Later, I texted him: I hate it when you are right
I am pretty sure, he is NOT going to erase that message. . . and probably hold it against me later. . .


I really DO wonder about people and were they have learned to BE and ACT stupid. . .REALLY!?! I made a previous post on my adventures at work -- Breaking the LAW

Here is another list of a typical day at Buddy's, surrounded by RETARDED people. This ALL happened in ONE shift:

  • The FIRST patrons that walked in, immediately asked to adjust the thermostat to their desired degree
  • Letting your kids stick stickers ALL over the tables. . .and leave them
  • Telling a patron, "We don't serve drafts outside". When questioned why, another patron took it upon themselves to explain that it's because we "just don't feel like carrying them outside"
  • Whistling at me across the bar like a dog to get my attention. . .
  • Stand on the outside of the patio to reach over to drink your drink. . .and think that it is NOT an ABC violation
  • Asking to subtract the cost of chicken from a sandwich because they chose not to eat it with it (So, in other words: If you got a Mexican omelet, and didn't get the mushrooms and onions, you should be able to subtract the cost of that. . .right???)

I love my second job!!!


Technology KILLS

I went to a baby shower the other day to see a dear friend how is expecting. . .I did not know anyone else there, but soon found out, that there were other educators there.
The hostess introduced all the teachers, and even highlighted there grade level/speciality. When it got to me, the hostess was at a stand still. "Um. . . What was your job again??". I answered her, and described to the others, that my position is to . . ."effectively integrate technology into the curriculum to reach our 21st century learners. . ."
One of the other teachers (who taught high school English), looked at me and said, "Technology is KILLING our students!!" Me and my BIG MOUTH actually did NOT say a word. . . . Poor lady, I thought. . . .and then it accured to me. . .Poor students. . . .

I VOTED. . . .

Did anyone see Oprah yesterday?? I have to say, it was actually a great show. It was all about exercising the right to vote. Chris Daughltry was on there with his band, and it was all about a "voting celebration". The thing that I liked the most about it was, is that is wasn't about politics, or the candidates. . .It was just about us, the American people, having the right to vote. I have to say, it made me a little emotional, mostly because I FINALLY decided to exercise my right! I have never really educated myself on an election enough to make an educated vote, up until now. . . .

Yes. I am openly admitting. . .

This was the first time I have chosen to vote. So, now I have the right to complain, right??